(pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and EU Regulations 2016/79)
The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe the methods and the logic with which we process the personal data collected from the users/visitors (hereinafter also referred to as ‘users’) who consult the site: http://www.darmar-srl.com (hereinafter also referred to as the Website).
The information is provided pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 of EU Regulations 2016/679 – Personal Data Protection Code – to all users who by connecting and interacting with the Website use the relative web services starting from the address https://www.darmar-srl.com and provide their personal data.
The information on this page is limited solely to the Website and does not extend to other websites that may be accessed by the user through links or hyperlinks.
The owner of the website http://www.darmar-srl.com is:
Darmar with registered offices in Via Aurelia Ovest 355/A (MS) Italy – 54100 Massa (MS) – Italy – REA (preliminary business registration) MS 79492; VAT no./ Tax Code 00428460455; PEC/Certified email address: darmarsrl@pec.it; guaranteeing compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Leg Dec. 196/2003).
Users are required to read this Privacy Policy carefully before submitting any personal information and/or completing any electronic form on the website.
Browsing data
Computer systems and software procedures used to run this site acquire, during the normal course of operations, some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
Browsing data are not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters regarding the operating system and its environment.
These data are used solely to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of computer crimes against the website: except in this case, web contacts dataarenot stored for more than seven days.
Data provided voluntarily by users/visitors
By connecting to the Website it is possible, through the contact addresses on the website, to send requests and notifications to Darmar Srl or subscribe to the newsletter, by filling in the appropriate form. This involves the acquisition, by Darmar Srl, of the sender’s address and/or any other personal data that will be processed exclusively to respond to requests sent, as well as contact the sender again and provide a newsletter service.
Personal data provided by users in connection with registration to the site are not subject to disclosure.
Cookies are not used to transmit information of a personal nature.
The use of so-called session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) required to enable safe and efficient exploration of the site.
The so-called session cookies used in this website avoid the use of other computer techniques that could potentially compromise the confidentiality of user browsing and do not allow the acquisition of the user’s personal identification data.
Processing Methods
Personal data are processed with automation tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, in any case, it is understood that personal data will be stored and processed by Darmar srl only for purposes of marketing/the newsletter.
Specific security measures are observed to prevent loss of data, illegal or improper use and unauthorized access.
Optional Supply of Personal Data
Without prejudice to the provisions governing browsing data, users are free to provide their personal data. Failure to do so may simply make it impossible to fulfill requests.
Place of processing and data
The processing of data related to the web services of the Website, takes place at the headquarters of Darmar Srl Via Aurelia Ovest 355/A (MS) Italy – 54100 Massa (MS) – Italy and is handled only by technical staff of the Office in charge of the processing, or by any persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.
The data relating to the website and the newsletter mailing list are stored on the servers of the hosting and/or management companies of the Website, SEEWEB S.R.L. and SHELLRENT S.R.L..
No data from the web service is communicated or disseminated.
The personal data provided by users who request dispatch of informative material are used only to perform the service or provision requested and are communicated to third parties only if this is necessary for that purpose.
Data controller
The personal data holder / controller, responsible for the processing of personal data is Mr Dario Orlandi
An updated version of this document and an updated list of data controllers can be obtained by contacting the above mentioned data controller or data processor directly.
Rights of data subjects
The subjects to whom the personal data refer may at any time exercise the following rights :
a) the source of the personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of data processing;
c) the logic applied when data is processed by electronic systems;
d) the subjects and categories of subjects to whom personal data may be disclosed, or to which they may have access in their capacity as designated representatives on National territory, as appointees or persons in charge;
a) the updating, rectification or, if deemed necessary or where there is a particular reason, the integration of data;
b) the cancellation, erasure, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of unlawfully processed data; the right to object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of their personal data;
c)statements that the operations referred to in points a) and b) including their contents, have been brought to the knowledge of those to whom they were communicated or disclosed, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared to the right to be protected.
They also have the right under Articles 16-21 GDPR (Right of rectification, right to be forgotten, right to limit processing, right to data portability, right to object), as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisor.
How to Exercise Rights
Users can exercise these rights at any time:
The Privacy Policy of this Website is subject to change, all users are requested to check periodically for updates. For more detailed information on the European Regulations on the protection of personal data, please consult the website: